Argument Essay- Why girls and guys should not have the same workout routines

Girls should not be doing what the guys do for workouts, and vise versa, we are two different body types, and those two different  bodies have many different workout structures to the body we require to gain.  According to Brett Contreras writer of “Strong Curves” he explains to us females that “working out with our fellow males will only make us limit ourselves”, we will gain our muscle fast if we follow in their workouts, but after a few months we will find no improvements to our body because we are not the male structure, and unlike males our muscles do not naturally grow as much or as often as theirs do.  I have tried the strong curves, and currently a month and a half into it, I have seen incredible changes in my own body, I use to think I was doing it right by working out with the boys and followed their plans and weights workouts… how wrong I was to do so, because, since starting this program I have realized that girls and guys bodies are extremely different, and that I really held my self back and limited myself by doing what the guys did… and looking at myself now from only a short time on this program, I am amazed and proud of the decision to switching my workout routine the a females routine.

Now if a guy were to workout as us females do, he would find himself staying with a thin muscle mass, and be just skin and bones, he would be limiting himself, and keeping himself from doing the best he could be doing. A guys testosterone levels helps the male to get higher protein levels, and gain muscle mass faster then that of a female, which is why you see the male category body size grow fast, it is because his testosterone levels is helping build the muscles, causing them to grow at a fast pace, and maintain a higher weight level to put up.

Female’s Thyroid hormones causes us to have a hard time losing abdominal and leg fat, making it harder to get the body we want, where as guys that is the easiest places for them to lose their fat and gain their muscles. So us ladies are told to do more cardio to help reduce the fat in our stomach and legs, it burns calories fast and thins us out quicker by doing high intensity workouts causing us to be more cardio active.  And this is why you never see to many weight lifters or guys trying to put on size on a treadmill or doing high intensity workouts, because cardio literally kills muscle gain, and makes it harder for a guy to put is muscle mass up.

Guys are known to push themselves till they cant lift anymore, the try to get more weight and less reps where as us girls try for less weight and more reps, because of our body differences, a guy could do what we do less weight and more reps and you will find him sticking to no accomplishments, he will do those reps easily and thin himself out, losing body mass. Give a girl heavy weights and have her do less reps, and you will see her bulk up fast and stick to that body size, leaving her to limiting herself to the improvements her body could be doing.

Why girls and guys should not have the same routine, girls could do a guys workout, limit herself and not improve in any way shape or form, where a guy works out on our routine, he is limiting himself to a female structure and not pushing himself to be the best he could be. Girls need to stick to less weight and more reps, boys more weight and less reps.


One thought on “Argument Essay- Why girls and guys should not have the same workout routines

  1. The first thing I wonder about here is whether Is this really a controversial issue (that is, do some people think workout routines *should* be alike?) I know very little about bodybuilding, but even I have heard about women using more reps of lower weight. Is there a way you could tweak this to get something more controversial, something there’s an active debate about?

    The other main issue I see here is lack of sources, except for the mention of Strong Curves in para. 1. You need at least four sources here, with at least two originally in print (you can find them online but must be from something that originally appeared in print, like newspaper, magazine, or journal. Then you need both in-text citation and a Works Cited page.

    Rather than girls/guys–I’d use female/male.

    In proofreading, watch out for run-on sentences

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